News from 2024

Current announcements and achievement


GRI Report 2023 published

Commerzbank presents its Sustainability Report 2023 in accordance with the GRI standards. This GRI Report is published in an online format including a PDF download. With this annual overview, we provide detailed data and facts about our sustainability performance and cover all major developments of the bank in the year under review.

This report also serves as our annual Communication on Progress regarding our implementation of the United Nations' Global Compact (UNGC). Its ten principles for human and labor rights, environmental protection and anti-corruption as well as the Sustainable Development Goals of the United Nations form the basis of our sustainability work.


Commerzbank participates in a public-private partnership on biodiversity

Despite our society´s dependence on nature´s services, the global economic impact is largely unknown. The pioneering project “Risks and opportunities related to biodiversity for the financial sector” integrates the expertise of economists and ecologists to identify which countries and sectors will be most affected by the loss of nature. Commerzbank is part of this project and wants to tackle the major challenges together with other organisations. Increased transparency and the inclusion of impacts on ecosystem services in financial processes is a crucial step towards understanding and mitigating nature-related risks.

06/13/2024 ,

Commerzbank again has top ESG offering according to Capital study

A study by Capital examined the sustainability of the offerings of banks and asset managers, who are committed to sustainable investment. The study participants were analysed and evaluated based on the categories portfolio assessment, product transparency and ESG in the company. Commerzbank again achieved the best overall rating among all participating banks and independent asset managers. Thus, Commerzbank took 1st place in the ranking and received the award "Top ESG Offer", which attests the very good ESG implementation within the company as well as in the submitted asset management portfolio.

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Recognition of our commitment from 2023

Commerzbank systematically fulfils its corporate responsibility in the various fields of action. We are pleased that our commitment is regularly recognised with awards.


Commerzbank wins two awards for sustainability projects

The Commerzbank Environmental Internship and ESG Framework are honoured with the German Award for Sustainability Projects 2023. A top-class jury from science, business and the media, chaired by Yvonne Zwick, Chairwoman of B.A.U.M. e.V., evaluated the submissions. Out of a total of 283 nominations, Commerzbank was able to convince with two projects and win awards. The award was presented for the third time by the German Institute for Service Quality, the news channel ntv and the DUP UNTERNEHMER magazine. The focus of the award is on the 17 Sustainable Development Goals of the United Nations in the social, economic and environmental areas.

Sustainability ranking,

Corporate Knights Global 100

Commerzbank is the only German bank to be listed in Corporate Knights' "Global 100 Most Sustainable Corporations in the World Index" (G100) for the fourth time in a row this year. In the 2023 Global 100, Commerzbank is ranked 85th. In a sector comparison, the bank is ranked 6th.
Decisive factors for the successful listing are in particular

  • Retaining our employees
  • Diversity, especially on the board
  • the consideration of sustainability in variable remuneration and
  • The large portfolio of renewable energies compared to the competition

Sustainable Operations,

Award for environmental protection in office organisation

For its commitment to environmental protection in office organisation, Commerzbank was awarded first place in the category "Companies with over 500 employees" by B.A.U.M. e.V. in the "Office and Environment" 2022 competition.

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Our award-winning activities in recent years