Our sustainability reports

Commerzbank provides regular and comprehensive information on its progress in the sustainable orientation of the bank. For this purpose, we use various reporting formats.

Non-Financial Report

Commerzbank's business success is also influenced by non-financial factors. In accordance with a European directive, we are required to include these corporate social responsibility issues in Group management and reporting. Since 2017, we annually publish this information in our non-financial report for Commerzbank AG and the Group within the annual report.

GRI Report

Commerzbank has been publishing an annual Corporate Responsibility Report since 2005, in which we outline significant news and progress made. In this process, we are guided by the internationally established standards of the Global Reporting Initiative (GRI). The GRI report is our most detailed sustainability report. It comprehensively covers environmental issues such as carbon footprint and biodiversity, social issues such as diversity and equal opportunities, and corporate governance issues such as the prevention of corruption.

Principles for Responsible Banking

Commerzbank was one of the first signatories of the Principles for Responsible Banking (PRB) in 2019. The six principles were developed by the United Nations Environment Programme Finance Initiative (UNEP FI) together with 30 banks. By signing the PRB, we commit ourselves to formulating targets for all key business areas and to publishing their development annually.

Our PRB progress report is integrated into our nonfinancial report and summarised as a tabular index at the end of the report (starting with page 82).

UK Modern Slavery Act Statement

In 2015, the United Kingdom enacted the UK Modern Slavery Act. It applies to all companies with shareholdings or branches in the UK. They are obliged to report on human rights risks in the supply chain and on measures to minimise them.

Archive of our sustainability reports

Here we collect reports from previous years. This may be because archiving is required by law, as in case of the non-financial report, or because a look into the past can clarify the path the bank has already taken.

Non-Financial Report

Report archive from 2017

SASB reporting

Report archive from 2020

Your contact for queries

Group Sustainability Management