Private and Small Business customers

With our wide range of products, we offer our customers the chance to manage their finances responsibly.

Sustainable Banking means making responsible and conscious financial decisions. In this way, we can contribute to a future worth living. Find out how you can invest your money in an environmentally and socially responsible manner and finance projects or the transformation of your company with a sustainable approach.

Sustainability is a multi-layered concept that can be interpreted in different ways. For this reason, the specific sustainability aspects of each financial product and service offering are presented and explained in more detail via the provided links. All the following linked websites are available in German only.

For private and small business customers,
Responsible product/service offering for private and small business customers

We want to guide our customers on the path to creating a sustainable society and support the sustainable transformation of their company with our sustainable financial products and service offerings.

For all customer groups,
Sustainability in financial consulting

We aim to provide fair and expert advice with our financial planning tools FinanzKompass, Strategiedialog and the Unternehmerdialog accompanied by partner offers such as Global Changer and the Impact Solutions platform.

Sustainability in analysing customer needs ,


With our FinanzKompass, we help private customers to better understand their individual financial situation and offer tailored recommendations based on customer data. In the category ,,Acting Sustainably”, our customers learn how they can act sustainably when it comes to financial matters.

Comprehensive advice for our wealth management customers,


The main advisory tool for our wealth management customers is the ,,Strategiedialog”. The inclusion of the customer’s personal goals and wishes as well as the holistic consideration of the customer’s entire assets are elementary. Based on the information provided by the customer, we perform an overall asset allocation including a medium- and long-term scenario analysis. Furthermore, we determine action tailored recommendations with the aim of optimising the customer’s portfolio in the best possible way and in line with the latest scientific findings.

CO₂ Calculator,

Determine your CO2 footprint

The CO₂ Calculator in our mobile banking app helps you determine your approximate personal CO₂ footprint. It thus provides clarity on areas of life with a need for additional climate protection. Anyone who wants to do something for climate protection can pay attention to sustainability not only in terms of consumption, but also in terms of financial products.

Not all entrepreneurs are the same,


Our special consulting service ,,Zukunftsdialog” for small business customers, is designed to anticipate our customers’ issues and offer the best long-term solutions. The transformation towards a more sustainable economy affects all of us and creates immediate opportunities and risks. With the ,,Zukunftsdialog”, we want to play an active role in shaping this change – alongside our small business customers.

Partner for the sustainable transformation

Companies are called upon to make a contribution to climate protection. Whether for economic reasons, to meet legal requirements or out of personal conviction – sustainable action and the reduction of CO₂ are now part of every company. We support our customers together with our partners.

Optimise your Carbon Footprint

Reduce where possible – compensate where necessary.

Transparency about carbon emissions is the first step for climate change mitigation and saving energy.

Note: Video is only available in german.

Global Changer

Software solution for the recording and reduction of emissions

  • Easy collection of emissions data
  • Creation of an individual action plan for CO-reduction
  • Reporting function to track successes without Excel-chaos

Impact Solutions Plattform

Exclusive solutions for Commerzbank customers

  • Free CO-calculator for your company
  • Network with over 90 verified providers for solutions related to sustainability. With special conditions for Commerzbank customers
  • Solutions to offset CO-emissions and other environmental impacts

Cooperation with Bergwaldprojekt e.V. ,
„Creating life values“

With every customer investment decision, Germany’s moors profit

The cooperation between Commerzbank and Bergwaldprojekt e. V. started in October 2018, with Commerzbank reforesting one square metre of forest in Germany for every new electronic mailbox in online banking system.

The cooperation has been continued in 2020, with initiatives at 37 locations in Germany that have been started since then. In total, more than 1.1 million square metres of public forest areas have been developed or reforested in a near-natural way. This has made an effective contribution to the preservation of forests and their diverse range of ecological functions, such as protection against flooding. In 2023, for example, for every customer who reorganised their investments in line with a sustainable asset management approach, we supported the reforestation of public forest in Germany, amounting to 18,525 square metres.

Commerzbank’s asset management is now also committed to the rewetting of moors as part of the bank’s current “Creating life values” campaign. Ninety-five per cent of moors in Germany have been drained, resulting in the loss of the important functions of these highly specialised ecosystems. As a result, seven per cent of Germany’s greenhouse gas emissions are due to drained moors. A particularly impressive example: healthy peatlands store twice as much carbon as all the world’s forests put together.

In addition, vital moors provide a habitat for numerous rare animals and plants. These are often highly specialised and have adapted to the peatland ecosystem over centuries. The preservation and renaturalisation of moors in Germany therefore also make an important contribution to protecting the moors’ highly endangered biodiversity.

Since 2024, every customer who responsibly invests in one of our asset management solutions with a sustainable investment focus has supported our cooperation with Bergwaldprojekt e. V. This means that, in addition to reforestation, areas of renaturalised moorland can now also be supported.

Women & Finances

Our various content formats are designed to educate women in finance topics in order to encourage them to make independent and better financial decisions for their own future.