Leading by example,
Compliance & Risk Management
For the protection of our company, our employees and our customers
Information Security & Data Protection
Protecting customer data and safeguarding banking secrecy as well as ensuring cyber security and resilience are of utmost importance in times of increasing digitalisation. They are the basic prerequisites for the satisfaction of our customers and for trust in a long-term business relationship. That is why these topics are a focus for us in terms of responsible banking.
Taking a holistic view of risks
Crucial to successful risk management are the identification of all material risks and risk drivers, the independent measurement and assessment of these risks, and risk- and earnings-oriented management based on this as part of a forward-looking risk strategy.
Commerzbank defines risk as the danger of possible losses or lost profits due to internal or external factors. We generally distinguish between quantifiable types of risk - i.e. those that can usually be measured in the annual financial statements or in the capital commitment - and non-quantifiable ones such as reputational risk.