Sustainability Strategy

Sustainability has been an integral part of our corporate strategy since 2020

Our goals for a sustainable future

We support our customers in their sustainable transformation. At the same time, we lead by example by setting ourselves the goal of achieving net zero greenhouse gas emissions in banking operations by 2040.

Identification of our strategic sustainability issues

In spring 2022, Commerzbank conducted a materiality analysis to determine which topics are material for the company today and in the future. The results of the materiality analysis also serve as the basis for our sustainability reporting.

Dialogues with our stakeholders

In our communication with customers, we aim to provide fair and competent advice. To this end, we use financial planning tools and direct communication.
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We discuss ESG issues with a wide range of analysts and investors. The Investor Relations department actively conveys our commitment to the financial community.
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Commerzbank maintains an ongoing exchange with numerous organisations from civil society and academia about their needs, wishes, or suggestions for our company.

As a commercial bank with international operations, Commerzbank is expected by policymakers and the general public to issue statements on relevant economic policy issues.
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Commerzbank publishes annual reports on its sustainability performance and challenges in accordance with internationally recognised reporting standards.
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We are a partner to numerous non-profit initiatives that advocate for the future viability of society, without which no company would be able to do business.
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Further information on the individual stakeholder groups and our stakeholder management can be found in chapter five of the ESG Framework.