Commodities & Precious Metals Commodities & Precious Metals


Commodity Risk Management

As a European leader in commodity risk management (awarded Deutsches Risk: No 1 “Commodities” since 2011), Commerzbank supports you in identifying, quantifying and hedging commodity price risks. Our commodities solutions can be tailored to your needs across energy and emissions, precious metals, base metals as well as agriculture. We offer a wide range of instruments from plain vanilla (Swaps, Forwards, Options) to bespoke structured solutions. With Commerzbank’s comprehensive set of underlyings and instruments we help you to manage your commodity risks and implement your individual risk management strategy.

Precious Metals Services

Commerzbank is a leading international bank within the precious metals sector. For almost 40 years we have been in a unique position to offer innovative and tailor-made solutions to our retail, corporate and institutional clients.

As members of the London Bullion Markets Association (LBMA), the London Platinum and Palladium Market (LPPM) and the New York Commodity Exchange (COMEX), we have a long-standing history of providing hedging solutions to our diverse client base in the OTC unallocated market with spot, forwards, swaps, metal leasing and deposit facilities, and other derivative products such as options or individual payoff profiles – experience you can rely on.

Find out more about commodities among risk management and investment solutions Commerzbank offers you.



For further information contact your relationship manager.
