Commerzbank successfully completes capital increase

Common Equity Tier 1 ratio with full application of Basel 3 increases with transaction to 10.2%


  • CET 1 ratio with full application of Basel 3 (pro forma end of March 2015) increased to 10.2%
  • Leverage ratio (pro forma end of March 2015) improved to 3.9%

Commerzbank AG today placed 113.850.693 new shares with institutional investors by way of a so-called accelerated bookbuilding process. The placement price was fixed at EUR 12.10 per share. The gross issue proceeds amount to a total of EUR 1.4 billion.

After the successful completion of the capital measure the Common Equity Tier 1 ratio with full application of Basel 3 is increasing to 10.2% (pro forma end of March 2015). Thus, the level for the Common Equity Tier 1 ratio demanded by the capital market in the meantime is being attained more quickly than planned. The leverage ratio is improving to 3.9% (pro forma end of March 2015).

Commerzbank AG and Deutsche Bank AG were the Joint Global Coordinators for the placement.

Press contact


Commerzbank AG, GM-C Corporate Communications

About Commerzbank

Commerzbank is a leading international commercial bank with branches and offices in more than 50 countries. The core markets of Commerzbank are Germany and Poland. With the business areas Private Customers, Mittelstandsbank, Corporates & Markets and Central & Eastern Europe, its private customers and corporate clients, as well as institutional investors, profit from a comprehensive portfolio of banking and capital market services. Commerzbank finances more than 30 per cent of Germany’s foreign trade and is the unchallenged leader in financing for SMEs. With its subsidiaries comdirect and Poland’s mBank it owns two of the world’s most innovative online banks. With approximately 1,100 branches and approximately 90 advisory centres for business customers Commerzbank has one of the densest branch networks among German private banks. In total, Commerzbank boasts approximately 15 million private customers, as well as 1 million business and corporate clients. The Bank, which was founded in 1870, is represented at all the world’s major stock exchanges. In 2014, it generated gross revenues of almost EUR 9 billion with an average of approximately 52,000 employees.


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