All signs point to green!

We were awarded the annual AllBright Report in a green envelope for having a balanced ratio of women and men on our Board of Managing Directors.

Saje Asgari


18 October 2024

On the occasion of International Women's Day, colleagues from Commerzbank's women's network "Courage" are sitting on the staircase of the Commerzbank high-rise building in Frankfurt.
Action of our women's network Courage on the occasion of International Women's Day.© Alexandra Lechner

Out of 160 listed companies, Commerzbank was one of the few to receive the AllBright Foundation’s report in a green envelope this year. This means that Commerzbank stands out for having a balanced ratio of men and women on its Board of Managing Directors.

The Foundation’s work includes ensuring that there are more women in executive business positions and promoting diversity in these positions. The aim is for men and women to have equal career opportunities and to improve company results through diverse and modern management teams, as this enables companies to be more profitable and competitive. In its reports, the Foundation analyses corporate developments, raises awareness of the importance of diversity and calls for action.

Green envelope from the AllBright Foundation with addressee Bettina Orlopp
"Green mail" from the AllBright Foundation© Commerzbank

"Green mail"

The annual AllBright report is sent out in envelopes in various colours. A red envelope means that there is no woman on the board. Yellow means that there is at least one woman on the board. And this year, 17 out of 160 companies received a green envelope, meaning that at least 40 per cent of their board members are women.

Long-standing commitment to more equal opportunities

At Commerzbank, we have long been committed to equal opportunities and having more women in management positions. Currently, three out of six members of the Board of Managing Directors are women. Our Supervisory Board is also made up of 50 per cent women and 50 per cent men. We are aiming for 40 per cent of management positions across the Group to be held by women by the end of 2030.

Our commitment to promoting equal opportunities includes the following measures:

  • During the recruitment process for every new management position, we always interview female and male candidates prior to taking a decision.
  • In addition, we offer our colleagues further support:

    • The ‘Management Experience’ programme offers the opportunity to spend a limited time trying out leadership or project management.
    • In addition, Commerzbank offers models such as part-time management and joint leadership, i.e. shared management.
    • During parental leave, employees can stay in touch with the Bank via the ‘Keep in touch’ programme.
    • We also offer a return-to-work guarantee after parental leave.
    • Our employees also benefit from company childcare, childcare subsidies if required, exceptional and holiday childcare, advice and support services, and events for children and parents.
    • Other special initiatives and offers, such as those from our women's network ‘Courage’, provide the opportunity to exchange ideas and network.

Our ranking in the Boston Consulting Group’s Gender Diversity Index 2023 also shows how successful our measures are. Here, Commerzbank is ranked second out of 99 companies, placing it first out of all banks in Germany.

We are therefore all the more pleased to have received green post from the AllBright Foundation, which once again confirms our aspirations.
